Advent, which comes from the Latin word for "arrival" or "coming," is a period of preparation for the birth of our Lord. Advent begins four Sundays before Christmas and is the start of the Christmas season, which lasts until the feast of the Baptism of Our Lord. The first Sunday of Advent also marks the beginning of the liturgical year, the Church's "New Year's Day," at which time we change the cycle of readings we are using at Mass.
Wednesday 2 nd December 2015 The Lord will come and he will not delay. He will illumine what is hidden in darkness and reveal himself to all nations. Cf. Hab. 2: 3 I Cor. 4:5 What prevents me from living in the light of Jesus ? Do I fill my world with things, rather than people? Do I give my time, freely, to others? Advent is a time of waiting, a time of preparation.
Fire of Advent Edward Hays, A Pilgrim’s Almanac, p. 187 "Advent, like its cousin Lent, is a season for prayer and reformation of our hearts. Since it comes at winter time, fire is a fitting sign to help us celebrate Advent…If Christ is to come more fully into our lives this Christmas, if God is to become really incarnate for us, then fire will have to be present in our prayer. Our worship and devotion will have to stoke the kind of fire in our souls that can truly change our hearts. Ours is a great responsibility not to waste this Advent time."
Let us pray……… GOD OF HOPE, As we begin this Advent season and light this candle, we wait for your coming. Help each of us to leave the darkness behind to live in your light. Help us to open our hearts to welcome you. Remove the things that hinder us from receiving you with joy, this Christmas, so that we may experience your love, and share it with the people around us. Amen.