STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. MISSION & VISION Our Mission To engage high growth companies in corporate citizenship and philanthropic efforts so that new and leveraged resources are generated for community benefit. Our Work EF works with emerging companies to create, manage and implement corporate foundations and community benefit programs. Our Vision Silicon Valley will be considered a leading community, not just for our innovations but also for our corporate commitment to the broader community.
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. AGENDA 9:30Introductions 9:35Setting the stage: Some Statistics 9:40Case Study—Kathy Wheeler, Cadence Design Systems 9:55Case Study—Cheryl Adams, CenterBeam 10:10Small group discussion 10:35Roll up discussion 10:50Announcements and handouts 10:55Wrap-up and Evaluation
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. SOME STATISTICS: Our Students In Santa Clara County, 85,000 students qualify for the free or reduced lunch program, in San Mateo County over 26,000 qualify (Source: CA Department of Education) About 1 in 10 students are in special education (Source: In 2005, 44% of third graders in San Mateo County and 46% of third graders in Santa Clara County scored at or above the 50th national percentile in reading, compared to 36% statewide (Source:
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. SOME STATISTICS: Our Schools California ranks 47 in the country in terms of test scores and one of the lowest in terms of per student spending compared to the national average (Source: 2005 Rand Study on CA K-12 Public Schools). Education vs. Incarceration? Over the last decade, prison enrollments tripled, with largest increases for dropouts Funding for jails increased 600% while funding for schools increased 25% More than 50% of inmates are functionally illiterate (Source: Colleen Wilcox, Santa Clara County Office of Education Superintendent, Presentation)
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. SOME STATISTICS: Our Teachers (Source: Colleen Wilcox, Santa Clara County Office of Education Superintendent, Presentation)
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. TO TRULY LEAVE NO CHILD LEFT BEHIND We need: –More equitable and adequate funding –Investments in recruiting and retaining well-qualified teachers who can address diverse student needs –Redesigned schools that support teacher learning and relationships with students –Accountability systems that measure growth, include performance assessments, & are used for improvement rather than for punishment (Source: Linda Darling-Hammond)
STRONGER COMPANIES, STRONGER COMMUNITIES. SMALL GROUP DISCUSSION What is your company doing for the holidays? How are you engaging the employees? Who are your community partners? What are your biggest challenges and lessons learned from past holiday activities? What are you best practices?