Seth Schwiethale James Crosetto James Ellison
square pulse of ms, repeats every 20 ms It is the same for both steering and acceleration width of the pulse determines the direction/speed w/ 1.5 ms as the nominal center the amplitude of the pulse is from the reference level of the Vcc (5v)
1 “alarm” output max activation is 100 times/sec (increments of 10 ms)
Camera’s output can’t produce a 20ms PWM signal that is high between 1-2ms Car cannot be driven by Camera directly need something that modifies the output signal of the camera so it can be used by the car
Using a microprocessor (MC9S12DP256) has a clock signal rate of 24MHz has registers for a Pulse Width Modulator and an Enhanced Capture Timer Signal from the camera can be varied between ms for speed and ms for steering
car’s input camera’s output microprocessor
used to create correct output signal uses CPU clock signal to generate signal lengths current signal is 24MHz and we need a 50Hz (20ms) signal (Factor of !)
Initializing the Pulse Width Modulator
The pulse width modulator uses registers to decrease the frequency of the clock signal before it is used as an output signal Two output signals can be generated from the clock signal Allows for finer control of signal
The periods of both SA and SB need to be 20ms
The duty cycle (the part of the PWM signal that is high) needs to be 1-2ms in length Initialized to 1.5 ms Notice the difference!
Used to trigger interrupts Set up to trigger an interrupt every time a signal goes high or low on an input port (TCTL4 and TIE)
Timer Register (TCNT) is incremented every clock cycle (24MHz clock = 24 million times per second) Clock slowed to KHz TCNT is 16-bit register ( ) Overflows about every 1/3 second (65535/187500) Never overflows more than once per input signal from camera