Lens Anatomy of the lens Anatomy of the lens
Cataract Cataract Definition Definition Types of cataract: Types of cataract: 1- According to its site within the lens: 1- According to its site within the lens: 2- According to maturation: 2- According to maturation: 3- According to its onset: 3- According to its onset:
Lens Held by zonules Epithelium produces lens fibres throughout life High protein content Nutrients/oxygen from aqueous Cataract can affect all conponents
Acquired cataract Cause: Cause: 1- Age-related cataract 1- Age-related cataract 2- Pre-senile cataract 2- Pre-senile cataract 3- Traumatic cataract 3- Traumatic cataract 4- Drug-induced cataract 4- Drug-induced cataract 5- Secondary cataract: 5- Secondary cataract:
Symptoms and signs of diseases of lens 1- painless gradual impairment visual acuity 1- painless gradual impairment visual acuity 2- Presbyopia 2- Presbyopia 3- Nuclear sclerosis 3- Nuclear sclerosis 4- Monocular diplopia 4- Monocular diplopia
Treatment of catract: SURGERY ● SURGERY ●
Indications of surgery: 1- Visual improvement: 1- Visual improvement: 2- Medical indications: 3- Cosmetic indication:
Types of cataract surgery: 1- Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) ± AC IOL 1- Intracapsular cataract extraction (ICCE) ± AC IOL
Types of cataract surgery 2- Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) ± PC IOL 2- Extracapsular cataract extraction (ECCE) ± PC IOL
Types of cataract surgery 3- Phacoemulsification: 3- Phacoemulsification:
Aphakia Treatment: 1- High powered convex lenses in spectacles: (30% magnification). 2- Contact lens (1% magnification). 3- IOL (intraocular lens):
Congenital cataract 1- Isolated hereditary cataracts: 2- Metabolic cataract: a- galactosaemia b- Lowe's (oculocerebral) syndrome: 3- Prenatal infections: a- Congenital Rubella: b- Others: Cytomegalovirus, Herpes simplex and Varicella. 4- Chromosomal abnormalities: a- Down syndrome (Triosomy 21). b- Other: Patau syndrome (Triosomy 13) Edward syndrome
Lowe's (oculocerebral) syndrome
Prenatal infections:
Down syndrome
Ectopia lentis Complications of ectopia lentis: 1- Refractive errors 2- Glaucoma: 3- Endothelial touch: 4- Lens induced uveitis: