FROM COLD WARRIORS TO MULTILATERAL AND UNCERTAIN FUTURE (1989-Sept. 11, 2001) Why did the CW end? How did the end of the CW refocus our security state? GW Bush SR: the realist approach to Russia & China Liberalism in play: Dismantling the military and the CIA Liberal institutionalism: NATO’s expansion, the EU, & Multilateral force
THE INITIAL POST COLD WAR AGENDA: MAKE THE WORLD DEMOCRATIC, SAFER, AND MORE HUMAN FOR EVERYONE – Promoting democracy Haiti, Mexico, Peru, Venezuela – Promoting international values & institutions (the New World Order) Somalia, Bosnia, Africa, & the Gulf War Why didn’t the US occupy Iraq? Why “no fly zones and sanctions?” Kyoto, Intl. Court of CJ, the UN
THE INITIAL POST COLD WAR AGENDA Dealing with drugs – Panama and Plan Colombia Promoting open markets – NAFTA vs. the WTO Counterproliferation – Chemical (1997) and biological weapons treaties – Nuclear hypocrisy: Non-Prolif. Treaty (1968), Israel, Korea, India & Pakistan (1998) Fighting terrorism – Why did terrorism go up with the end of the CW? – Why didn’t we hit Osama bin Laden when we could?