- Hello, friends! I am Peter Pan! - I can fly!
Steps: We’ll repeat the words and sounds We’ll read and speak about Peter Pan an his friends We’ll learn about animals that live on the island We’ll create our own stories Topic : What can we do.
Mr. Tongue's House («В гостях у Мистера Язычка») Mr.Tongue
[t] – sit, not, to, count, cat, get [d] – red, read [w] –what, we, swim, sweet [r] –ride, run, write, tree [η] –ring, morning, song, sing [h] – hunt, hi, hello
The Post Office («Почта») I can fly. I can jump. I can hunt and fish. I can climb trees. I can run. I can dance. I can sing songs.
Я умею летать. Я умею прыгать. Я умею охотиться и ловить рыбу. Я умею лазить по деревьям. Я умею бегать. Я умею танцевать. Я уметь петь песни.
Physical Exercises
…can go by… boat bike ship car plane
The BAY of Riddles “Бухта Загадок”
It’s not very big. It’s white, grey and black. It can run and jump very well. It can’t swim. It can’t climb trees.
1. I am red. I live in the forest. I like meat. I can run. 2.I am green. I cannot jump. I like fish and meat. 3. I am black,white, red and grey. I can run. I can climb trees. I like milk.
I am red. I live in the forest. I like meat. I can run.
I am green. I cannot jump. I like fish and meat.
I am black,white, red and grey. I can run. I can climb trees. I like milk.
The Glade of Skills “Поляна умений”
Tick what can you do WendyPeter PanJohnMichael read hunt fish fly run sing songs climb trees dance swim
Рефлексия Я узнал… Я научился… Я затруднялся…
Homework: Ex.3 p.63 Activity Book