Why The Possum's Tail Is Bare By: Preston Rice
Long ago, the Possum's tail and feet where very fluffy. He dug holes to live in. He could not climb trees.
Possum turns around to see long viper. He ran straight to the lake. How did you get away hissed long viper.
Little possum was very small. He had many predators. One beautiful day, possum was searching for food in the forest when big bear jumped out from behind a tree. ” Ahhhhh” Squeaked possum! He scurried into a small cave. “I’ll get you next time” growled bear.
Out off now where jumps Ghost Cat. “what do you want” asks scared possum. “Come here, I wont hurt you” said Ghost cat. Possum runs into his hole. Ghost cat begins to dig. “I’ll get you” said Ghost cat. Possum gets a sharp rock and cuts his fur. Possum digs out and runs up a tree away from Ghost Cat.
That’s why the possums tail and feet are bare. The End