Who am I? by Katie Boyt
2 Facts About Myself Born in Pennsylvania. Raised in the South. I am 19 years old. Short- 5’1 ft. Sandy-Blonde hair. Blue/Green eyes.
Katie Boyt3 About My Family I have a half brother and half sister. Step brother and step sister. 2 sisters and a brother. 8 including myself. A wonderful step-mother, and an amazing Daddy. A step-father and a mother.
Katie Boyt4 Kristie- 17 Jonathan-10 Zach’s wife Suzanne Zach-22 Amy-18 Kendra-5 Kerri-14 Me Samuel-2
Katie Boyt5 Best Friend Kendall Duncan has been my best friend since the 1 st grade. Now she is my roommate!
Katie Boyt6 Schools Bob Jones Elementary. Northwood Middle. Pickens High. Now I am here and my goal is to get a Masters degree in Early Childhood and become a 1 st grade teacher.
Katie Boyt7 Passions I Love… 1.the Lord with all of my heart. I enjoy spending time reading my Bible and on my knees praying. 2.to sing, especially in church! 3.to look at God’s beautiful creation.
Katie Boyt8 My Favorite Time of Year Hot chocolate and marsh mellows. Gingerbread houses and apple cinnamon pie. Warm and cozy by the fire. Praising the Lord and singing carols. Spending time with family and friends. It’s Christmas!!!
Katie Boyt9 Likes and Dislikes I like to catch salamanders, and frogs. Snakes and spiders are cool, if they are not poisonous. I really like butterflies! I hate cock roaches!!! I am scared of heights.
Katie Boyt10 Fun Activities I play a variety of sports, but soccer is my favorite. I like… to go camping (especially in the smoky mountains). to climb trees. to water-ski. to have mud fights.
Katie Boyt11 Creativity I enjoy taking pictures and then scrap booking.
Katie Boyt12 Personality Goofy. Talkative. Friendly. Hyper. A child at heart. A helpful, mother hen.
Katie Boyt13 And that is Who I am.