The Nitrogen Cycle By: Reynaldo Thomas
Nitrogen is an essential element needed for protein formation. The air around us contain approximately 79% of nitrogen (format of gas). Most living things can not use nitrogen in this format. Nitrogen gas is Inert.
Humans taking nitrogen in the format of proteins from plants or other animal. Return of nitrogen to Soil Urea When animal break down proteins, urea is produce as a waste product. Urea is excreted as urine. Bacteria convert urea into nitrate.
Nitrogen Gas Nitrogen fixing bacteria in the roots of some plants converts nitrogen gas into ammonium compound. Nitrifying bacteria then convert ammonium into nitrite and then nitrate.
Plants/Animal Matter When plants and animals die they are decomposed by bacteria, forming ammonium compounds. Nitrifying bacteria then convert ammonium to nitrites and then into nitrates.
Lighting oxides of Nitrogen During thunder storms lighting convert nitrogen gas into nitrates. The rain will then wash the nitrogen compounds into the soil.
Artificial Fertilizer The addition of man made fertilizer will add nitrates to the soil. Hence increasing the soil fertility.
Denitrifying Bacteria This type of bacteria undo the work done by others by converting nitrates back to nitrogen gas.