Walpole Friends Walpole Park, Pitzhanger Manor and Lammas Park
Walpole Friends Vivienne Cane-Honeysett Chair, Walpole Friends
Who are Walpole Friends? Local Residents of like mind wanting to secure the future of Walpole Park, Pitzhanger Manor and Lammas Park The major organisation through which the council is consulting regarding works to be done on the park and the Manor House
Why Bees? As part of our rejuvenation of the kitchen garden To assist the perilous situation that honey bees find themselves in at the moment As part of an outreach programme designed to help educate local residents and schoolchildren in understanding from where their food originates To encourage local volunteers to become interested and active in their local park
Hive in Rickyard with Nuc
Walpole Friends Beekeepers
Walpole Bee Group
Keeper with frame
Bees returning with pollen
Marked queen
Open hive
Inspecting a frame
Eggs in comb
Uncapped brood
Capped brood
Join us? If you would like to help us with our bees, (no experience necessary) join Walpole Friends and come along to an inspection on Saturdays
© 2010 Walpole Friends