^This is a potato:) A potato blight caused widespread starvation among the Irish Why the Irish immigrated to America Over two million Irish then moved to the US seeking relief Over 750,000 Irish starved to death
Why the Germans Immigrated to America <An angry mob -German immigration started when many left due to economic hardship and political unrest -This was caused by riots and rebellion -Over 1 million Germans fled the country -Many Germans had little choice to go to America because few other places allowed German immigration
The Immigrants Finding Work -Irish Immigrants were very poor and unskilled -Most women worked in factories and as housekeepers and cooks in homes of the wealthy. - Most men worked in mines a) This job was full of hardships and was also a major health hazard b) Mine owners often did not take necessary health precautions -Wages were extremely low for long days of hard labor -Laborers and their families were required to live in company towns -They were also required to purchase food and other items in company stores