The Man Who Invented Basketball James Naismith and His Amazing Game By Edwin Brit Wyckoff Unit 4 Week 1
basketball Noun: a game played on a Noun: a game played on a court where two teams try to throw a ball through a raised hoop My brother plays basketball for the Miami Heat. My brother plays basketball for the Miami Heat. Have you ever tried to play basketball? Have you ever tried to play basketball?
disease Noun: a problem in the Noun: a problem in the body; sickness A doctor might diagnose you with a disease if you are constantly sick. A doctor might diagnose you with a disease if you are constantly sick. Why can a disease by harmful? Why can a disease by harmful?
freeze Verb: turn into ice Verb: turn into ice When the ice began to When the ice began to freeze,the polar bear started to hunt. What types of things can freeze? What types of things can freeze?
guard Noun: a person who Noun: a person who watches over or protects something The crossing guard stops cars to let us cross the street. The crossing guard stops cars to let us cross the street. What else might require a guard? What else might require a guard?
popular Adjective: liked by Adjective: liked by many people The song became popular when many people kept voting for it on the radio. The song became popular when many people kept voting for it on the radio. Can you name a popular musician? Can you name a popular musician?
sports Noun: games in Noun: games in which people use their bodies The sports I enjoy playing are golf and football. The sports I enjoy playing are golf and football. What types of sports do you enjoy playing? What types of sports do you enjoy playing?
study Verb: to spend time Verb: to spend time learning, usually by reading I had to study for my spelling test by writing my words three times each. I had to study for my spelling test by writing my words three times each. What is something you have had to study for? What is something you have had to study for?
terrible Adjective: really bad Adjective: really bad My dad had a terrible day when his truck got a flat tire. My dad had a terrible day when his truck got a flat tire. When has something terrible happened to you? When has something terrible happened to you?