Where does the grade come from?
Eighth Grade English Vocabulary and Grammar25% Writing 30% Literature 30% Homework 15%
How do parents know about the grades?
Contract (Already signed)
Parent Portal Grades appear as soon as they are entered.
Progress Reports Progress Reports are sent by the school mid- quarter.
Homework Homework is expected to be Neat Complete On Time Late homework is not accepted for credit. Remember to check “This Week At A Glance…” (the weekly calendar.)
Mrs. Hernandez’s Website How do I get there? Go to the District Website Go to “For Students” Go to “Teacher Websites” Find and Click on “Hernandez, Stefanie” Voila!! My Website (We will visit there in a bit)
Always talk to your child Ask to see homework. Ask to see long and short term assignments. Help your child set up a schedule, if he/she needs your help with this. Encourage your child to seek help from the teacher before the “last minute”. Encourage your child to advocate for him/herself.
Common Core
Parent Tips Read a combination of fiction and non-fiction aloud or with your child. Look for subjects that interest your child - from sports heroes to dinosaurs. Select more difficult passages over time. Read more informational texts including newspapers, magazines, technical manuals, science and social studies articles and books. Talk with your child and have him or her explain things. Encourage writing at home. Encourage a good work ethic. Discuss with your children their performance in school and what they are learning. Talk about tests with your child and be positive and encouraging. Talk with your child's teacher(s) about his or her performance in school. Talk with your children about the importance of graduating from high school ready for college and career success.
ELA-NYS English Language Arts Exam The ELA is a three day exam given in April to assess your child’s achievement and growth.
High School is just around the corner… Help your child advocate for him/herself to become a truly independent learner!
Let’s go to the Websites!!!