Holy Rosary Path (HRP) The Holy Rosary Path idea stems from the Holy Rosary Park first envisioned in the 2005 Holy Name of Jesus Catholic Church 20-year land development plan The park became a path as part of the parish’s Land Development Committee activities This path takes advantage of existing undeveloped land paths and allows the parish to open the HRP right away
Concept The HRP is in the shape of a rosary with the cross mounted vertically and standing approximately 12’ high The cross has been erected on the Columbians property. The approach to the cross was cleared by removing the existing volleyball court. The ellipse of the rosary extends northerly and will cover approximately three acres of parish lands
Path identified The cross, first five “beads” behind the cross, lead to the “intersection” of the ellipse. At this intersection, we’ve placed the unused 4’ statue of Our Lady. It is mounted on a pedestal Fifty-nine more beads are represented by posts. Each landmark (cross, statue, beads) were marked by GPS position
Exact position mapped Points on the picture are the landmarks of the path Each GPS lat/long position was taken for mapping purposes This is what makes the picture to the right possible
Parish lands platted Columbians
Path atop an aerial photograph
Relative position to northern lands
Full property layout
Approximate layout with land plat Blue line is finished Rosary Path. Black lines are other paths planned for development.
Further description The cross is made of 6” x 6” treated lumber, 12 feet tall above a 2’ pedestal, buried 2’ into the ground…it will not hold a corpus The Our Father beads are 4” x 4”, four feet tall, buried 2’ into the ground The Hail Mary beads are 4” x 4”, two feet tall, buried 2’ into the ground The path is covered by wood chips
Planned Improvements LDC will coordinate planned improvements Expect donations of benches, shrubbery, flowers, etc. Plans for other intersecting paths to be cleared Lights to illuminate the cross from dusk to 10pm
Using the HRP Schedule regular HRP rosary walks –8am, first Saturday, coinciding with Adoration –8:30am, each Wednesday, following morning mass –6:15pm, first Wednesday, before CYM/MSY –6:30pm, before KofC monthly general meeting –Other pocket communities scheduling their own Tri-fold brochures provided at start, near cross, in weather-proof protection, like realtor flyers –Describing path use, including rosary prayers, etc.
Land Development Committee Mac Blythe, John Rafferty, Mark Rasins, Vickie Ritchson, Bill Readdy, Tony Rodriguez,