English II—December 1, 2015 Daily Warm-up: Would you consider the music video we watched yesterday non- fiction? Why or why not? Homework: – Study for Lesson 14 Vocabulary Quiz on Friday. – Reading Plus is due Sunday at 11:59.
English II Lesson 14 Vocabulary Abhor- v.- Regard with hatred and disgust. Candor- n.- The quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness. Dauntless- adj.- showing fearlessness and determination. Insinuation- n.- an unpleasant hint or suggestion of something bad. Pall- n.- a cloth spread over a coffin, hearse, or tomb. Patronize- v.- treat with apparent kindness that betrays a feeling of superiority. Suppress- v.- forcibly put an end to. Tentative- adj.- not certain or fixed; provisional. Tribulation- n.- a cause of great trouble or suffering. Volatile- adj.- (of a substance) easily evaporated at normal temperatures.
Subjective vs. Objective Subjective information is one person's opinion. In a newspaper, the editorial section is the place for subjectivity. It can be based on fact, but it is one person's interpretation of that fact. In this way, subjective information is also analytical. Objective information reviews many points of view. It is intended to be unbiased. News reporters are supposed to be objective and report the facts of an event. Encyclopedias and other reference materials provide objective information.
Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide What Do You See (primary or archival footage, still images, the filmmaker)?: What Do You Hear (dialogue, narration, diegetic and non- diegetic sound)?: What Do You Read (subtitles, graphics, labels, etc.)?: How Is It Put Together (editing sequence, transition devices, etc.)?: What Is The Effect (what is the theme/message of the video, what “truth” does it convey)?:
Writing Prompt Rewrite your paragraph to transform it from objective to subjective or vice versa. Be sure to: – Include or remove details that express an opinion rather than merely record. – Start with a topic sentence that indicates appropriate point of view. – Select diction that denotes or connotes appropriately.
Life in the Freezer Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide See?: Hear?: Read?: Editing/Transitions?: Effect/Theme/Message?:
March of the Penguins Nonfiction Film Viewing Guide See?: Hear?: Read?: Editing/Transitions?: Effect/Theme/Message?:
Life in the Freezer vs. March of the Penguins
Purpose? Fiction Nonfiction Subjective Objective