Color green to dark green Hardness on Mohs’ scale Mineral class Beryl Mineral Chemical Composition Be 3 Al 2 SiO 6
Found often in mica schist where there has been metamorphic/hydrothermal activity Often forms when heated mineral bearing waters or gases from igneous sources cool and crystallize in fractures of carbonate rocks Large emerald deposits in Columbia
Hexagonal crystal matrix Translucent to opaque Leaves white streaks Gravity
Glassy luster Cracks and fissures visible Green color is due to chromium composition
Emeralds belong to a class of minerals known as gemstones Gemstones are considered precious and valuble Gemstones are classified by their rarity, durability, color, and optical qualities
Valued for intense green hue Flecks and impurities are considered to prove the emerald as authentic Valued by mankind since ancient Egyptians
To enhance the appearance emeralds are treated with oils to fill in the cracks Emeralds are priced according to their cut, color, clarity, and size