Bell Work: 9/21/11 What are four things that you know about minerals?
Two Groups of Minerals Write the names of the two groups on the front of the foldable (one on each side). Inside (on the notebook paper) use Figures 4 & 5, the text, etc. on pages to take notes on the two groups. Include the definition of the two groups and examples with short descriptions. Silicate Minerals Nonsilicate Minerals
7 Ways to Identify Minerals: Color: can be used to identify minerals; however, the same mineral can come in a variety of colors Luster: the way a surface reflects light Streak: the color of a mineral in powered form Cleavage & Fracture: different types of minerals break in different ways Hardness: a minerals resistance to being scratched; Mohs Hardness Scale Density: the measure of how much matter is in a given amount of space Special Properties: fluorescence, chemical reactions, optical properties, magnetism, taste, radioactivity
Identifying Minerals Write the following on each tab: 1.Identifying Minerals (this is the title- write it BIG!) 2.Color 3.Luster 4.Streak 5.Cleavage & Fracture 6.Hardness: Mohs Hardness Scale 7.Density 8.Special Properties On each tab, take notes on that topic using pages in your textbook. You can summarize the section, write down vocabulary, and give examples. You must give the important details that are relevant to the section.