28 sec. 3 North and South Korea
Divided Peninsula Buffer between China & Japan 100 B.C. conquered by China Dynasty formed which lasted until 1910
Korean War Korea invaded by Japan in 1910 Japan keeps Korea for 35 years Soviets take N. Korea U.S. takes S. Korea Divided on 38th parallel U.S. and U.S.S.R leave, N. Korea invades S. Korea with Soviet weapons
Korean War U.S. sends troops N. Koreans push U.S. and S. Koreans back to tip of peninsula
MacArthur Launches surprise landing U.S. then pushes N. Korea to Chinese border Chinese push U.S. back to 38th parallel Armistice is signed in 1953
MacArthur Wanted to drop nuclear bombs on Chinese Lobbied in American press Truman fired him
MacArthur Fired
Influences on the Two Koreas North Korea - influenced greatly by Chinese communism South Korea - influenced by West
Armed Forces in Korea N. Korea - has army of over 1 million soldiers S. Korea - has over 600,000 N. Korea - is developing nuclear weapons Divided on 38th parallel - demilitarized zone
Economics N. Korea - poor standard of living, millions starving S. Korea - Economic Tiger Specializes in Cars, ships, and steel Seoul - Capital and largest city of S. Korea