Project Sponsor: Ohio Department of Transportation District 12
I-480 I-480N I-480 I-271/I-480 Warrensville Center Lee Road “Tip of the Funnel” 151,510 VPD 74,720 VPD 46,960 VPD 2013 Average Annual Daily Traffic ,200 VPD 124,640 VPD US ,320 VPD
Bottleneck at I-480 EB at Freeway-to- Freeway Connection to I-480N More Demand for I-480N Leg of Diverge Weave Between Broadway/Lee Entrance Ramps and I-480N Split (1.4 Miles) Queues Form Miles in Advance of Split
ODOT 2013 Congestion Rankings Rank 64Rank 39
#27 #316 #215 #95 #116 #393 #450 #115#180 #460 # % Weekdays 33% AM Peak 31% PM Peak
I-480 Eastbound Crash Frequency SLM to I-480 Eastbound Crash Frequency SLM to 24.00
Add Auxiliary Lane Length = 1.4 miles Fits in existing footprint of I-480 No downstream improvements needed Physical constraints have been removed $5M tentative commitment from ODOT Safety Program
: $6.8M span reconfiguration of Warrensville Center overpass to handle lane improvements (PID 80558) Pier Removed
Norfolk Southern (NS) Maple Heights Intermodal Terminal ½ mile from I-480/Broadway interchange Only NS intermodal terminal in Northeast OH Provides connectivity to eastern seaboard & Gulf Coast Transferred over 59,000 containers in % average annual increase in container traffic over last 5 years
Connects Major Employment Centers
Take care of what we have Strategic reinvestment in existing infrastructure Make our system work better Improves major diverge Improve Safety Addresses multiple high-ranking Safety Analyst locations Enhance Capacity Moves traffic more quickly through pinch-point
Currently requesting $10.4M of Tier 1 TRAC funding for Construction Phase in (Total project cost = $17.25M) Thank you for your consideration.