Boycott Wal-Mart By Melanie George
* Wal-Mart is a corporation that hauls off a stunning $220 Billion a year from its customers, resulting in a net profit of over 7 billion dollars a year for the company (Hightower 1).
the stores that didn't survive were Pamida, Coast to Coast, Tradehome Shoes, Patricia's Fashion Fabrics, and Schultz's Family Department Store (Kenneth R. Sheets ).
Wal-Mart imports 15 billion dollars worth of goods from China every year. - extreme amounts of pressure on their suppliers to lower the cost of their goods. - driving those suppliers offshore in their efforts to lower the costs of production" (David Pinto).
-Wal-Mart is lowering the standards in China -Factory workers only making 13 cents an hour -Factory workers work in unjust quarters
* Wal-Mart pays its associates poverty-level wages. * the average full-time Wal-Mart associate makes an annual wage of $11,000
Work Cited Hightower, Jim. “Boycott Wal-Mart.” 5 Aug The Independent Weekly. 4 Nov Pinto, David. “It’s time to revive ‘Buy American’.(Opinion). MMR 23 Aug. 2004: 1+. "A Return to the Local: You Stay Home Too." World Watch Sept. 2008: 29.