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Learners and Learning Environment Learners – 9 th -12 th students either enrolled or interested in IET (Industrial, Engineering & Technical) Academy Ethnic Background: Diverse* Socio-economic Background: Lower-middle to Middle class 15-20% commute from towns as far away as 80 miles w/GE Learning environment – Waiakea High School in Hilo, Hawaii Meets 2-3 times a week; 80 minutes at a time A classroom with desks & chairs; mobile lab of MacBooks available Projector and screen available on campus

Content - Curricular Relevance Purpose: Understand what hybrid technology is and how it impacts the environment.  Content standards: SC.ENV.2.1, SC.ENV.2.2, SC.ES.2.3.  Hybrid car technology is gaining in popularity and many models are available today. How does it work? What are pros & cons? Is it truly environment-friendly?

Content - Learning Objectives  Hybrid car technology has been rapidly improving and gaining in popularity in the last few years. Students will learn and be able to explain how this emerging technology works and what influences it has on society and environment. (SC.ENV.2.1.)  Every scientific advancement has pros and cons. Students will weigh the pros and cons of hybrid cars. (SC.ENV.2.2.)  Students will explore the future of this technology and other alternatives that may have less impact on the environment. (SC.ES.2.3.)

Content – Materials, Media & Resources Teacher Resources Howstuffworks.com  Information Pages Information Pages  Videos - Discovery Channel #1, #2, Energy Policy#1#2 Energy Policy PBS Teachers’ Domain  Frontline video Frontline video ACS Journals: Environmental Science & Technology  Relevant articles for technical information Relevant articles for technical information UHH Mookini Library Website  Evaluating websites Evaluating websites Google Forms  For creating the pre-test gaUOW6GIs&feature=channel gaUOW6GIs&feature=channel Student Resources Howstuffworks.com  Information review & summary Information review The Internet  For further current information Industry or Academic expert  Expert insights and opinions Youtube videos  Instructions on using Google tools  Google Docs Google Docs  Google Spreadsheets Google Spreadsheets  Google Sites Google Sites

Technology Ed Tech standards: HCPS/NETS  3. Technology as a tool for productivity  4. Technology as a tool for communications  5. Technology as a tool for research Assumptions:  Students have access to computer & Internet at home or during free hours at school.  Students have experience with word processing and using the Internet  Either a mobile lab or the Computer Lab will be available for use during the Unit. Limitations:  Computer Lab or Mobile Lab not available during the Unit.  Youtube and other sites may be blocked by the DOE.  Students living in remote towns may not have access to computer or the Internet. ActivitiesTechnology Pre-testGoogle Forms Lecture PowerPoint slides using Howstuffworks pages and videos, PBS Teacher’s Domain Frontline video Research& summarize Internet research (guided), Google docs for collaborative writing Technology Instruction Youtube videos and demos Gather images and videos for final product Google docs account (“Cloud”) as a repository for the group. Interview an expert Videotape or record, Off-island interview via phone or Skype Create a website Google Sites

Pedagogy - Methods How will students learn about the subject matter? What learning activities will you devise?  Pre-test: ungraded online test to establish baseline knowledge and to help students become aware of their own knowledge and/or bias  Guided Internet research: summarize facts, filter out myths and biases, weigh pros and cons  Group discussions & cooperative learning  Collaborative writing  Videos for information and instruction  Interviewing an expert for insights & opinions not found through research  Building a website for presentation

Pedagogy – Student Outcomes How will students demonstrate their learning about the subject matter?  Website with substantive content  Writing summaries, facts and analysis  Appropriate images and videos included  Pros and cons are clear and unbiased  Conclusion addresses the big idea  Collaborative writing in Google docs  Reflects understanding and synthesis of facts, ideas  Shows constructive discussions and exchange of ideas  Interview questions  Show that they understand the essential questions and the big idea

Pedagogy - Assessment Rubric for Student Assessment MeasurementExceeds ExpectationsMeets ExpectationsDoes not meet Expectations Explained hybrid car technology Clearly and accurately explained with great depth of mechanical process Clearly and accurately explained at the basic mechanics level Explanation is inaccurate or does not show understanding of the mechanical process Summarized pros and cons Clearly and accurately summarized pros & cons with insights on why Clearly and accurately summarized pros & cons Pros & cons are inaccurate or includes myths and biases Explained hybrid’s impact on environment and society Environmental impact is well- summarized based on numbers, data, and trends Environmental impact is reasonably summarized based on available data Environmental impact is misleading or inaccurate, or does not cite any data Stated future of technology & suggested alternatives Statements are based on research data, expert opinions, and analysis of trends; shows understanding of conservation of resources Statements are based on research data and expert opinions; shows some understanding of resource conservation Statements are inaccurate or misleading or does not cite any data or expert source Used technology as a tool for research, communication, and productivity Demonstrated command of the tools, clear, creative and aesthetic design, and helped other team members Demonstrated correct use of tools, clear design and reasonable contribution to the team effort Showed little or no contribution and/or incorrect use of tools

Your Evaluation of the Lesson Rubric to evaluate the lesson: Worked WellNeeds AdjustmentDid not work The Big IdeaHigher level thinking demonstrated Showed some higher-level thinking Higher level thinking not shown at all Scientific factsMechanics, pros & cons were accurate Mechanics, pros & cons somewhat accurate Mechanics, pros & cons inaccurate Analysis & Synthesis of information Facts, opinions, predictions, and numerical analysis clearly & accurately summarized Facts, opinions, predictions, and numerical analysis somewhat clearly & accurately summarized Facts, opinions, predictions, and numerical analysis show confusion Technology -Internet Research Content & sources cited are appropriate Content & sources cited are somewhat appropriate Content & sources cited are inappropriate Technology -Google tools Edit history and final product show collaboration and appropriate use Edit history shows some collaboration and final product is acceptable Edit history shows no collaboration and final product is not acceptable Demonstrated Higher Level Thinking Google Docs writings and web content address the Big Idea and attempt to answer the essential questions Google Docs writings and web content touch on the Big Idea and mostly answer the essential questions Google Docs writings and web content do not address the Big Idea; essential questions are not clearly answered

Hybrid Cars: Are they really worthwhile?