Topics today Mr. Szanto’s Elevator Pitch Introduction to flipped classroom Class website and resources Online quizzes Effort and Grading Metrics Important deadlines Getting started – setting up your digital access rights to resources and quizzes Voettekst2
Your Lecturer – Mr. George Szanto Room R yrs. industrial experience Worked as V.P Marketing & Bus. Dev., served on executive management teams Visited 31 countries Teach 1 st - 3 rd year emarketing classes (past classes: CRM; Export Ops.) Research: online buying behavior of B2B packaging purchasers Also coaches Semester 6 consulting project teams Voettekst3
We’re flipping the classroom!
Turning the classroom up side down!
Why are we flipping the classroom? Can you learn more this way? 6
How does it work? 7
Teaching Methods Used Strategy Pitch Video 25 Video Lectures 6 Online Quizzes 6 Workshops 1 Text Book Homework using Analysis Tools Peer reviews & reflection 8
Case Based Study ~ 12 different cases B2B or G2C or B2C Students are assigned to work on 1 case in pairs 9
6 Workshops min each Work in pairs Learn from entire class as well – as we work on 1 common case in class 10
Required Resources Book ~ €17-25 Read ~ 200 pgs 12
Required Resources - 2 Access to website 13
Required Resources - 3 Emarketing Strategy Course Description PDF (on website) 14
Required Resources - 4 Case Handouts PDFs ( on website) 15
6 Timed Computerized Quizzes Each Week There is 1 Quiz During Workshop Highest 5 quiz grades count. You must be in class to take the quizzes 16
No Cheating on Quizzes All quizzes are open book; free to surf internet; open notes – BUT NO Student to Student communications during quiz. 17
Effort for 2 credits ≈ 56 hours as per IBMS norms 18
Grading – 250 pts. No its not random! 19 Must get at least 55 pts. on strategy pitch to pass class (55%) AND you must get a total of at least 137 points to pass the class Strategy Pitch 100 pts (40%) Self Reflection Report 25 pts (10%) Quizzes 100 pts (40% Peer Review of Strategy Pitches 25 pts (10%)
Class Assignment Deadlines Strategy Video Pitch posted to website: March 18:00 (failure to meet this deadline means you fail class) Peer reviews of other strategy video pitches as assigned: April 18:00 (failure to meet deadline means you loose 25 pts from the total possible points) Personal reflection report: April 18:00 (failure to meet deadline means you loose 25 pts) 20
Tasks before 1 st class meeting – Feb. 19th Set up access to online tools, tests (which we will do now together – next slides) Read the course outline Find you name in case assignments PDF (under resources page on website) Read the case assigned to you (PDF) Read case # 1 – Verum Software B.V. (which is the common case for the whole class) Read the case analysis instructions (PDF) Watch video Lectures 1 – 4 Voettekst21
Step 1: Create account on class discusion board 1.Go to “discussions” 2.“Register” using Fontys address (write your password down!) 3.Mr. Szanto will “approve” your registration in next 1-2 days
Step 2: take 2 question quiz Go to this webpage; log into quiz using your 7 digit student ID# and 6 digit PCN number as password. Voettekst23
Step 3 – joining Teammates peer assessment system 1.Find you received today or yesterday from Teammates 2.Click on link to test if you can access the assessment question 3.JOIN Teammates using a Google gmail account Voettekst24
See you later this week … in workshop 1