Argonne National Laboratory + University of Chicago1 Users of a Process Manager Process Manager Application (e.g. MPI library) Interactive User Queue Manager PMI mpirun mpiexec Unix control Windows control SSS XML
Argonne National Laboratory + University of Chicago2 The MPD Process Manager Originally developed as a way to start up MPICH jobs faster Only a process manager, not a scheduler or monitor Scalability a primary goal, for small number of functions Parallel process startup Parallel signal delivery Termination processing Others Evolution very much influenced by SSS requirements Fits into component architecture Other components will do scheduling, monitoring, etc. But other components want it to be complete as process manager
Argonne National Laboratory + University of Chicago3 Recent Work on MPD Process Manager Adding capabilities needed to support requirements agreed upon in Process Management Working Group discussions and in notebook. Per-process command-line arguments Per-process environment variables Per-process exit codes Signal delivery for all signals Adding capabilities requested by IBM for BG/L process management (interface to LL) The same things! Adding support for Process Management Interface (PMI) to parallel libraries Using PMI in next-generation MPICH Allows other process managers MPD1 MPD2
Argonne National Laboratory + University of Chicago4 Evolution of MPD as an Implementation of a Prototype SSS Project Component PM XML mpirun Mpd-1 ring signal Step 1 PM XML Mpd-2 ring Step 3 PM XML mpdrunmpdsig File.xml Mpd-2 ring Step 2 (Currently here)