Karina Castillo National University In partial fulfillment for the requirements of MAT 675 Professor James Zone June 13, 2012
Students will match equivalent fractions using an online generated matching game. Simplifying Fractions nline3/game /
3.0 Students understand the relationship between whole numbers, simple fractions, and decimals: 3.1 Compare fractions represented by drawings or concrete materials to show equivalency and to add and subtract simple fractions in context (e.g., 1⁄2 of a pizza is the same amount as 2⁄4 of another pizza that is the same size; show that 3⁄8 is larger than 1 ⁄4). (California Board of Education, 2009, Pg. 12)
Variations of this game can be made for students who are gifted, advanced or proficient. Students can match more complex fractions. Students can create their own game to play against classmates. Time limits can be established for games. Variations of this game can also be made for students with special needs or students who are performing at lower academic levels. ◦ Students can use manipulatives or fraction pictures. ◦ Use of more smaller and more common fractions. ◦ Students can play game with no time limits.
Which fraction is equivalent to ¾? 9/12 Which fraction is equivalent to ½? 6/12 Which fraction is equivalent to 1/3? 7/21 Which fraction is equivalent to 5/6? 15/18 Which fraction is equivalent to 2/3? 12/18 Which fraction is equivalent to 4/5? 24/30 Which fraction is equivalent to 3/5? 12/20 Which fraction is equivalent to ¼ ? 5/20 Which fraction is equivalent to 6/7? 18/21
California State Department of Education. (2009). Mathematics Content Standards for California Public Schools K-8.