Transverse Momentum Dependent Evolution in Proton-Proton Collisions Oleg Eyser RIKEN/BNL Research Center Workshop Emerging Spin and Transverse Momentum Effects in p+p and p+A Collisions
2 The Evolving Proton spin structure QCD What about spin effects, in particular those that naturally include transverse momentum dependence? Our picture of the proton changes with the resolution.
3 Transverse Momentum Dependent Effects Twist-3 Effects Transverse-Spin Asymmetries Hadronization Parton Distribution Spin-Orbit Correlation Transversity What underlying process creates transverse-spin asymmetries?
Is the observed p T -dependence consistent with theory? What can we learn about non-DGLAP evolution effects? 5 Transverse Momentum Dependent Effects Twist-3 Effects
5 Phys Rev D86, (2012)
7 TMD evolutionTwist-3 evolution PDF evolution non-perturbative part is empirical input for evolution kernel Phys Rev D86, (2012)
8 Ideally…
9 Meanwhile in the real world
6 Polarization Effects in Nucleon / Parton Inclusive hadrons Direct photons Jets Jet structure Hadron correlations Interference fragmentation Drell-Yan W-bosons quark ULT nucleon U L T quark ULT hadron U L T Possible transverse asymmetries: initial state final state
10 Inclusive Jets RHIC PRL 110, (2013)
19 Gluon Spin-Orbit Correlation Phys. Rev. D90, (2014)
13 Fragmentation Effects
11 Event Topology
12 Event Topology
13 Jet Event Topology Forward-central correlation: FMSEMC
15 Factorization & Universality SIDIS Drell-Yan Compare SIDIS and Drell-Yan production expect a sign-change in the asymmetry from spin-orbit correlations Non-universality of Sivers function (and others) Phys. Rev. Lett. 110, (2013)
18 The Other Gauge Boson arXiv: arXiv:
19 More W-Bosons in 2017… DIS data
23 Di-Hadron Fragmentation PRL 115, (2015) Collinear description with valid factorization
24 Di-Hadron Fragmentation 200/500 GeV preliminary
20 Asymmetries in Jets
22 Comparison 200/500 GeV No strong effect of TMD evolution observed Additional data at 200 GeV from 2015 Proposed run at 500 GeV in 2017 → S. Bazilevsky
18 Direct Photons PHENIX MPC-EX STAR FPS/FMS PRL 110, (2013)
25 Cold Nuclear Matter → R. Seto & C. Dilks
PROTON transversity spin-orbit correlation TMD evolution QCD universality TMD framework factorization Summary
7 AGS LINAC BOOSTER Polarized Source 200 MeV Polarimeter Hydrogen Jet Polarimeter PHENIX STAR Siberian Snakes Carbon Polarimeters AGS pC Polarimeter Strong Snake Tune Jump Quads Helical Partial Snake Spin Rotators Spin Flipper