1 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system Outline Introduction, how to use LED time scan data for a detector quality check; Last collected data of the LED timing scan of the ECAL/PRS sub- detectors; ECAL HV and LED quality after CW upgrading; PS/SPD HV and LED quality after HV upgrading and LED intensity tuning; Problematic channels. LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Last time, some of the winter shutdown detector upgrading works have been finished and an intermediate detector quality check was an actual task. LED timing scan test is one of the possible detector quality tests. This test was done for ECAL_C with upgraded CW bases and for PS/SPD with upgraded HV system and partially tuned by Evgeny LED intensities. LED timing scan allows to perform a powerful test of the detector functional parts. The HV, LED monitoring and FE electronics performance and quality of the FE and HV recipes could be checked with this test.
2 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Conditions of the LED time Scan data collection: ECAL_C side C_side file /daqarea/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/ ECAL /TEST/44102 ; rate 122 Hz, 101 steps, 800 ev/step; start =100ns ; step=1 ns; LED intensity = PHYSICS + corrected LED ch=9212; HV = PHYSICS recipe; FE recipe with delay=5 ns; PIN_FE recipe with delay=5 ns and Lat=150; 7. C_side file /daqarea/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/ ECAL /TEST/44105 ; rate 122 Hz, 101 steps, 800 ev/step; start =100ns ; step=1 ns; LED intensity = PHYSICS + corrected LED ch=9212 ; HV = PHYSICS recipe; FE recipe with delay=5 ns; PIN_FE recipe with delay=5 ns and Lat=150; PS /SPD A side / LEDTSB delay_step with Specs short_Reset. 1. PS_ A_side file /daqarea/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/ PRS /TEST/44201 ; 2.PS_ A_side file /daqarea/lhcb/data/2009/RAW/FULL/ PRS /TEST/44206 ; Conditions: rate 112 Hz, 101 steps, 800 ev/step; start 100 ns ;step=1 ns LED intensity = 1900,2800,1800,1730,1850,1800,2450,1700,2400,2500 cnts; HV = PHYSICS. Improvements: Now Specs_short_Reset instead of Command_Reset is used for initializing Delay Chip settings of LEDTSB. The problem (mentioned by Edu) with triggering signal oscillation disappeared. The scan with 100 steps is used now to exclude problem with PS/SPD data compression in case of TAE events. Only the adct0 data are used now for PS/SPD analysis. The 100 steps LED time scan data collection takes about 15 minutes with trigger rate about 100 Hz. LEDTSB Triggering output behavior before improvement
3 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Each set of the LED time scanned data are grouped on one LEDTSB triggering channel. Each CALO sub-detector has ASCI connectivity file with description of which detector Cells, FE channels, LED intensity channels correspond of one LEDTSB output channel (for ECAL/HCAL it’s created using CALO DB). All CALO connectivity files are placed in directory: /scratch/everyone/akonDATA/CALOconnectivity0209/. Analyzed LED scanned data are plotted as curves of dependency FE channel integrator charge versus input signal delay (ADC counts versus LEDTSB delay time). Each plot includes up to 16 curves and each curve corresponds of one FE channel (= one detector cell). 25 LEDTSB channels are used for triggering PS/SPD side, 228 channels for each ECAL side and 26 channels for each HCAL side. A curve colour - marker type coding is shown on the next slide. Four colours and four marker types are used for coding 16 channels shown on each plot. The curve sequence corresponds the detector cell sequence into a connectivity file. Marker type coding. How to use scanned curves Typical 16 – channel plot of the scanned data.
4 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Each plot has 16 curves with a colour - marker type coding: 1-st curve is blue with marker type 20, corresponds of a first channel number in a plot title; 2-nd curve is blue with marker type 21, corresponds of a second channel number in a plot title; 3-d curve is blue with marker type 22, corresponds of a 3-d channel number in a plot title; 4-th curve is blue with marker type 23, corresponds of a 4-th channel number in a plot title; 5-th curve is black with marker type 20, corresponds of a 5-th channel number in a plot title; 6-th curve is black with marker type 21, corresponds of a 6-th channel number in a plot title; 7-th curve is black with marker type 22, corresponds of a 7-th channel number in a plot title; 8-th curve is black with marker type 23, corresponds of a 8-th channel number in a plot title; 9-th curve is red with marker type 20, corresponds of a 9-th channel number in a plot title; 10-th curve is red with marker type 21, corresponds of a 10-th channel number in a plot title; 11-th curve is red with marker type 22, corresponds of a 11-th channel number in a plot title; 12-th curve is red with marker type 23, corresponds of a 12-th channel number in a plot title; 13-th curve is green with marker type 20, corresponds of a 13-th channel number in a plot title; 14-th curve is green with marker type 21, corresponds of a 14-th channel number in a plot title; 15-th curve is green with marker type 22, corresponds of a 15-th channel number in a plot title; 16-th curve is green with marker type 23, corresponds of a 16-th channel number in a plot title; Detailed table of the curve number coding
5 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Expected FE channel responses on LED flashing About 99 % of SPD_C, PS_A and ECAL_C FE channels have expected response on LED flashing !
6 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] ECAL_C problematic channels There are two channels with behavior as shown on the plots. The possible reason is a bad connection of the delay line on the CW base.
7 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] ECAL_C problematic channels There are few channels without response. The possible reasons are a bad interconnector connection, HV settings... Some channels have significantly different amplitude. May be due to a bad value of the HV recipe. Could be checked. LEDTSB_1 has few channels with not completely calibrated delay matrix (not critical issue). Additional board calibration will be performed.
8 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] PS problematic channels There is one channel with very high response. The possible reasons is a bad trimmer. Some channels have significantly low amplitude. To be tuned. Few channels have a high pedestal and not sensitive to LED. Probably problem with VFE.
9 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] SPD_C problematic channels There are few channels without response. One group of the 16 channels has a very strange behavior. The possible reasons must be investigated.
10 ECAL/PRS quality check with LED system LHCb CALO meeting Anatoli Konoplyannikov [ITEP/LAPP] Conclusions LED time scans have been done for upgraded parts of sub-detectors. In my opinion, the HV and LED monitoring systems are in a good shape now. Only few tens channels must be repaired. LED scanned and analyzed data were distributed to detector experts and placed on the online disk: /scratch/everyone/akonDATA.