Meter In poetry Justyn Park
What is Meter? What do you think of when you first hear the word… Meter? The word Meter, or (m) is used in life as measurement. But did you know that in poetry, there are other terms for those meters?
Meters in Poetry The Meters in Poetry has terms that are completely different. There are mostly 8 terms for meter. Which is –..Monometer One Foot –..Dimeter Two Feet –..Trimeter Three Feet –..Tetrameter Four Feet –..Pentameter Five Feet –..Hexameter Six Feet –..Heptameter Seven Feet –..Octameter Eight Feet
Well, not as easy as you think.. The meters isn’t the same meters as the measurement in length. In verse and poetry, meter is a pattern of stressed, and unstressed syllables in lines of a settled length.
-# So, the names differ depending on the how many foots there are.
A foot containing an unstressed syllable that is followed by a stressed syllable is called an iamb. Extra info.
THANK YOU It was Justyn Park