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BrainPop Jupiter
Jupiter The first of the outer planets. Is the largest planet! Considered to be a gas giant made mostly of hydrogen and helium. Known for its giant red spot. This spot has a diameter three times that of earth.
Jupiter The giant red spot is a long lasting storm system (300 years long) that is larger than Earth! Jupiter radiates, or gives, much more energy into space than it receives from the sun. Two Pioneer missions, 2 Voyager missions and 1 Galileo mission have all studied Jupiter. Galileo sent a probe to the Jupiter’s atmosphere in 1995 that sent back data on the atmosphere composition, temperature and pressure.
Jupiters moons and rings Jupiter has about 63 moons and a ring system. The four of Jupiter’s natural satellites are Io, Europa, Ganymede, and Callisto. Io has active volcanoes, and Europa has the possibility of a water environment friendly to life. Callisto Ganymede Io Europa
Jupiter Statistics Distance from the sun Period of rotation Period of revolution Diameter Temperature Gravity 43.3 light-minutes 9 hours, 56 minutes 11 years, 313 days 142,984 km -153*C 236% of Earth’s