OVERALL HEALTH OF THE MULLET The overall health of the mullet is good, it has a ph of 7 and is a good temperature 2*C. We know that its healthy cause tons of living organisms are living in it. The total solids though were a little more than they should be. Which could cause harm to the river, but if it did not much. The dissolved oxygen was very good it was 9. You need a middle-high dissolved oxygen number. If it is very low it could end all water life. Fish/ organisms need oxygen to survive.
WHAT WE SAW We saw lots of organisms in the mullet like: Gilled Snails Orb Snails Leeches Predaceous Diving Beetles Crawling water beetles Water Boatman Caddis fly Larva The gilled and orb snail are good for the river because they live in clean water. Leeches aren’t the best for the river. Predaceous diving beetles are good bug to have in rivers. Crawling water beetles and water Boatman need just standard water to live. Caddis fly larva can adapt to any habitat.
M ICRO ORGANISMS Flat Worm Blood Worm Daphnia
WHAT WE CAN DO We can trim the plants, cut the grass, pull the weeds and take sticks and branches out of the water. Stop littering and take out all the garbage that already is sitting in the mullet. Stop polluting