I. Overview of intercellular communication Similarities? Differences?
The ways that signals are transmitted between animal cells are classified by two criteria – The type of secreting cell – The route taken by the signal in reaching its target
Endocrine signaling: – Hormones secreted into blood and travel to target cells – Involved in reproduction, growth and development, homeostasis
II. Endocrine Glands and Their Hormones
Two main groups of hormones: Lipid soluble (steroids) Water soluble (proteins, peptides, amines) Where is receptor for lipid soluble hormone? Where is receptor for water soluble hormone?
What determines whether a target cell will respond to a hormone? natomyvideos/ htm
III. Insulin and Glucagon: Maintaining Blood Glucose Balance Type of feedback loop?
Insulin raises blood glucose levels Glucagon lowers blood glucose levels They are antagonistic hormones &list=PLFCE4D99C4124A27A &list=PLFCE4D99C4124A27A
IV. Calcitonin and Parathyroid hormone regulate blood calcium levels Calcitonin lowers blood calcium levels PTH raises blood calcium levels bin/ web/home/mhhe/biosci/genbio/a nimation_quizzes/ m&afooter=/usr/web/home/mhh e/biosci/genbio/animation_quizze s/animate_79fa.htm&test=/usr/w eb/home/mhhe/biosci/genbio/ani mation_quizzes/animate_79q.txt& answers=/usr/web/home/mhhe/b iosci/genbio/animation_quizzes/a nimate_79a.txthttp:// bin/ web/home/mhhe/biosci/genbio/a nimation_quizzes/ m&afooter=/usr/web/home/mhh e/biosci/genbio/animation_quizze s/animate_79fa.htm&test=/usr/w eb/home/mhhe/biosci/genbio/ani mation_quizzes/animate_79q.txt& answers=/usr/web/home/mhhe/b iosci/genbio/animation_quizzes/a nimate_79a.txt