Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Book Title Author of Book Number of Pages Date Began Reading the Book Date Finished Reading the Book A picture that depicts the theme of the book goes on this slide.
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Rating I would give this book a letter grade of _____ because… I would recommend this book to people who ___________________ because… If I could ask the author one question, I’d ask him/her…
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Word Splash Create a word splash using key words or picture collage for your book on this slide.
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Word Splash Explain your key words or collage on this slide in 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences).
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Conflict Describe the issue Name the 2 sides (opposing forces) Determine the type of conflict –Man against man –Man against self –Man against nature –Man against society
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Setting Time Place How do you know this information?
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Characters List the main characters Describe each character briefly (no more than 5 sentences)
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Mood What is the mood of the novel? How is the book funny, scary, creepy, serious, nostalgic, heartbreaking, etc.?
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Theme Message from the author to the reader
Title of Book Author If you need an additional slide for any topic, it is okay! Plot Teaser/Testimonial Give a one-sentence summary about the book. Be sure you do not give away any surprises! Hint: Look on the back of paperback books or on the inside of hardback books for examples of testimonials.