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Presentation transcript:


A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun N(p,p 0 ) 14 N Summary The data sets on IBANDL were compared with the data in the original references. Details were given on the discrepancies found. A thorough search for other available experimental data was performed. Most of the existing data correspond to scattering angles in the 150º- 170º region, below 3 MeV. Existing measured cross sections were compared and checked for discrepancies and gaps.  Most discrepancies occur around the resonances at proton energies ~1050 keV, ~1750 keV and ~2350 keV. The exact height and position of these resonances should be carefully studied to resolve these discrepancies.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Discrepancy Example Fig. Comparison between the IBANDL data set for  =159.5º from [BAS1959] and the new digitized data set. Data with a similar scattering angle (  =160º) from [HAV1991] is included for comparison. [BAS1959] S. Bashkin, R.R. Carlson, R.A. Douglas, Phys. Rev. 114 (1959) [HAV1991] V. Havranek, V. Hnatowic, J. Kvitek, Czech. J. Phys. 41 (1991) 921.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Additional Data Sets Digitalization procedure The appropriate figure in the pdf file of the original paper was copied as a bmp file. This file was imported on to an ORIGIN© graph with the exact dimensions and scale of the bmp picture. When the resolution or scale of the original figure did not permit the exact position of each individual data point to be determined, a smooth curve was drawn by hand over the relevant experimental points. This smooth curve was then digitized at irregular intervals using the screen reader utility of ORIGIN© [TES1995]. [TES1995] Handbook of Modern Ion Beam Material Analysis, Eds. J.R. Tesmer, M. Nastasi, J.C. Barbour, C.J. Maggiore, J.W. Mayer, MRS, Pittsburgh, PA, USA (1995).

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Additional Data Sets Table 2 – Additional data sets found in the literature and digitized. NºReactionLab. Scat. Ang Energy Range (keV) ReferenceComments Digitizing procedure N(p,p 0 ) 14 N109.1º [LAM1967]Data taken from fig. 1 in reference.(b) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N110.0º [FEG1959]Data taken from fig. 4 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N110.0º [FEG1959]Data taken from fig. 5 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N121.5º [HAG1957]Data taken from fig. 2 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N121.5º [HAG1957]Data taken from fig. 3 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N121.5º [HAG1957]Data taken from fig. 4 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N121.5º [HAG1957]Data taken from fig. 4 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N121.8º [BOL1957]Data taken from fig. 2 in reference.(b) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N130.0º [FEG1959]Data taken from fig. 4 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N130.0º [FEG1959]Data taken from fig. 5 in reference.(a) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N138.1º [BOL1957]Data taken from fig. 2 in reference.(b) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N153.4º [FEG1959] Data taken from fig. 3 in reference. Data in and keV range taken from detailed figure 4 and 5 in reference. (b) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N159.5 o [BAS1959]Data taken from fig. 2 in reference.(b) N(p,p 0 ) 14 N167.2 o [OLN1958] Data taken from fig. 1 in reference. Data in keV range, detailed in figure 3 in reference, was already on IBANDL (data set nº5, table 1) and was incorporated in the file. (b)

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Data Comparison Fig. Cross section for the 14N(p,p 0 )14N reaction at scattering angles in the 109.1º-150º range. Proton energy, scattering angles and cross-section values are given in the laboratory frame of reference.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Data Comparison Fig. Cross section for the 14N(p,p 0 )14N reaction at scattering angles in the 152.1º-178º range. Proton energy, scattering angles and cross-section values are given in the laboratory frame of reference.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun N( ,  0 ) 14 N Summary The data sets on IBANDL were compared with the data in the original references. Details were given on the discrepancies found. A thorough search for other available experimental data was performed. Most of the existing data correspond to scattering angles in the 160º- 170º region, between 3 and 9 MeV. Existing measured cross sections were compared and checked for discrepancies and gaps.  Most discrepancies found occur around the resonances. Their exact height and position should be carefully studied.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Discrepancy Example Fig. Comparison between the IBANDL data sets for  =167º from [FOS1993]. [FOS1993] L.A.Foster et al. Nucl.Instr.& Meth. B79 (1993) 454.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Additional Data Sets Table – Additional data sets found in the literature and digitized. NºReaction Lab. Scattering Angle Energy Range (keV) ReferenceComments N( ,  0 ) 14 N 109.5º [HER1958] Data taken from fig. 3 in reference N( ,  0 ) 14 N 127.5º [HER1958] Data taken from fig. 3 in reference N( ,  0 ) 14 N 172.0º [ART1992] Data taken from fig. 1 in reference N( ,  0 ) 14 N 177.0º [QIU1992] Data taken from table 1 in reference. [HER1958] Herring et al., Phys. Rev. 112 (1958) [ART1992] H. Artigalas et al., Nucl. Instr.& Meth. B66 (1992) 237. [QIU1992] Y. Qiu, A.P. Rice, T.A. Tombrello, Nucl.Instr.& Meth. B71 (1992) 324.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Data Comparison Fig. Cross section for the 14 N( ,  ) 14 N reaction. (a)Cross section values measured at low energy for a scattering angle of 166º. (b)Cross section values measured at scattering angles in the 109.5º-150º range.

A.R. Ramos Wahl IBA RCM, Jun 2007 Data Comparison Fig. Cross section for the 14 N( ,  ) 14 N reaction at scattering angles in the 163.7º-177º range, measured for energies up to MeV.