What is a Disciple? A Disciple Has Purpose
2 Timothy 3:10 But you know what I teach, Timothy, and how I live, and what my purpose in life is.
1 Cor 9:24-26 “Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last; but we do it to get a crown that will last forever. Therefore I do not run like a man running aimlessly…”
Jude 1:17-18 But you, my dear friends, must remember what the apostles of our Lord Jesus Christ told you, that in the last times there would be scoffers… …whose purpose in life is to enjoy themselves...”.
A Disciple Has Purpose 1 We all have a G________ purpose and a S__________ purpose for which we created. 2. The general purpose of every disciple is to live P_____________ for the G________ of God. 3. Self-I_________ is self-W________.
A Disciple Has Purpose 1 We all have a GENERAL purpose and a SPECIFIC purpose for which we created. 2. The general purpose of every disciple is to live P_____________ for the G________ of God. 3. Self-I_________ is self-W________.
A Disciple Has Purpose 1 We all have a GENERAL purpose and a SPECIFIC purpose for which we created. 2. The general purpose of every disciple is to live PASSIONATELY for the GLORY of God. 3. Self-I_________ is self-W________.
1 Corinthians 10:31 “Whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God.”
A Disciple Has Purpose 1 We all have a GENERAL purpose and a SPECIFIC purpose for which we created. 2. The general purpose of every disciple is to live PASSIONATELY for the GLORY of God. 3. Self-I_________ is self-W________.
A Disciple Has Purpose 1 We all have a GENERAL purpose and a SPECIFIC purpose for which we created. 2. The general purpose of every disciple is to live PASSIONATELY for the GLORY of God. 3. Self-INTEREST is self-WORSHIP.
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most G___________ when we are most S___________ in Him. 5. A good E__________ is a poor purpose. 6. W______________ erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most GLORIFIED when we are most SATISFIED in Him. 5. A good E__________ is a poor purpose. 6. W______________ erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
Acts 20:24 " But I do not consider my life of any account as dear to myself, so that I may finish my course and the ministry which I received from the Lord Jesus, to testify solemnly of the gospel of the grace of God.”
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most GLORIFIED when we are most SATISFIED in Him. 5. A good E__________ is a poor purpose. 6. W______________ erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most GLORIFIED when we are most SATISFIED in Him. 5. A good ETHIC is a poor purpose. 6. W______________ erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
2 Timothy 2:20-21 “Now in a large house there are not only gold and silver vessels, but also vessels of wood and of earthenware, and some to honor and some to dishonor. Therefore, if anyone cleanses himself from these things, he will be a vessel for honor, sanctified, useful to the Master, prepared for every good work.”
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most GLORIFIED when we are most SATISFIED in Him. 5. A good ETHIC is a poor purpose. 6. W______________ erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
A Disciple Has Purpose 4. God is most GLORIFIED when we are most SATISFIED in Him. 5. A good ETHIC is a poor purpose. 6. WORLDLINESS erodes the passion that drives our purpose.
James 4:4-5 “You adulterers! Don't you realize that friendship with this world makes you an enemy of God? I say it again, that if your aim is to enjoy this world, you can't be a friend of God. What do you think the Scriptures mean when they say that the Holy Spirit, whom God has placed within us, jealously longs for us to be faithful”
Ps 57:2 I cry out to God Most High, to God who will fulfill his purpose for me.
What is a Disciple?