DISTRICT HEATING District heating is an infrastructure which allows heat generated in a centralized location to be distributed to residential homes and commercial buildings in a larger area. District heating is clean, efficient and cost- effective.
HOW IT WORKS ? Through a district heating network, the heat producing plant pumps heated supply water to consumers where it is used as room-/floor- heating and to generate domestic hot water. The domestic hot water gets heated in a heat exchanger in which the heated supply water transfers its heat to the water coming out of the taps. Some district heating systems use steam as medium for heat distribution instead of water to achieve higher supply temperatures.
A VISIT TO THE DISTRICT HEATING PLANT IN OUR AREA The district heating plant of Crema is using “The Cogeneration” system which allows for greater energy efficiency and lower fuel consumption.
EQUIPMENTS WHICH HELPS TO HEAT THE DISTRICT At the interior of the building there are located all the equipment (motors, transformers and boilers etc..) That allows you to generate heat to warm a part of the city of Crema.
THE HEATING SYSTEM From the central part of the district heating network that carries hot water at a temperature of about 85 ° to utilities through a heat exchanger located at the foot of the building, allows to transfer heat to the heating system.