WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain  Members: - Participants: will be given soon - President ? - Secretary ? Temporary animator: Silvana Nicola,


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Presentation transcript:

WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain  Members: - Participants: will be given soon - President ? - Secretary ? Temporary animator: Silvana Nicola, VEGMAP - Vegetables & Medicinal and Aromatic Plants DISAFA (Univ. Torino), Co-Chair of International Affairs, Italy,

Systems approach in vegetable chain  Objectives : Main objective is to improve the vegetable value chain - reacting to market demands (quality, post-harvest-way of production, traceability and food safety) and to societal demands Side:increase vegetable consumption increase income of the vegetable grower WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain

 Theme is very diverse and can be divided in 2: more technological oriented (post harvest research – added value of post harvest handling) and a more consumer/market/end-user oriented (question: have the vegetable research centres expertise in it?)  All actors/stakeholders need to be involved : producers, retail, processors and industry, horeca and consumers  Communication is very important – transferring knowledge to stakeholders and policy makers WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain

 Quality assurance: what is quality : there is a difference between objective and subjective quality (e.g. organic, locally grown, …)  Demands of further in the value chain decide what the producers need to do WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain

Actions: Building/extending the network - network should include actors of the complete value chain – increase the network beyond research, don’t forget the demand side Identify main issues to be adressed (prioritizing them) Set up project proposals together Data analysis on quality and chain organization in European countries - understanding the different interests of the actors in the value chain and try to learn from each other WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain

Actions: Create a better competiveness in vegetable value chain Define where/what is the value in a chain – which market are you are focussing on? Marketing strategy Post harvest is an important subject in function of value creation WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain

 Meeting date or period :  regional congresses ISHS post-harvest 21-24/06/2016, European Congress of horticulture 23/10/2016  Comments:  Expand the group to all necessary actors is a first action WG on Systems approach in vegetable chain