August 2007 Booster RF Upgrades J.Reid
2007 Booster RF Upgrades West Gallery LCW modifications: – Headers in select locations to be upgraded by T&M – All 1” Station valves to be replaced with 1.5” valves. – Station 17 & 18 will be completely re-piped. – All parts on order (including Cu pipe).
2007 Booster RF Upgrades
Replace most of the 6 tube Distributed Amplifiers (located in tunnel on top of existing PA’s) with relatively small solid state amplifier located in upstairs equipment gallery. – Solid state amplifiers are older units removed from TEV RF a number of years ago. – Proof of principle was demonstrated a few years ago when stations 14 & 15 ran this way for ~ 1yr. – Water & Electrical power already installed.
2007 Booster RF Upgrades
Pathway to 10 Hz Run, at a minimum, the West Gallery at 10 Hz before powering down equipment for August 2007 shutdown. – Measurements West Gallery Bias supply main rectifier transformer temperature rise. West Gallery Anode power supply performance including main rectifier transformer. Leak check all tuner cone cooling loops with Helium to determine how many have leaks. – In West Gallery reconnect cone cooling lines as time and equipment allows.
Solid State Driver RF Upgrade No funding for FY 07 Future of this upgrade: ?