Madagascar By: Rachel Stovall
Madagascar No surrounding countries South East of Africa Surrounded by the Indian Ocean and the Mozambique Channel
Major cities Capital
Mangokey River Betsiboka River Mt. Maromokotro Ankaratra Mountains
Activities Tsingy de Bemaraha Strict Nature Reserve
Oldest Catholic Church Historic Sites
Ambohimanga-former royal capital
Historic Site Ampefy-Waterfall over volcanic rock
Sovereignty Purity Hope
Voanjobory Bambara Groundnut Found in Central Madagascar
Top 3 languages French, Malagasy, English years Life expectancy Major Religion Christianity Largest Ethnic Group Malayo-Indonesian
Natural Hazards Hurricanes Drought
Weather Winter-Spring is July-October Rainer season is November-April Coastal areas are warm, humid and tropical The south is always hot and dry
Top 3 imports C apital goods P etroleum C onsumer goods Top 3 exports C offee V anilla S hellfish Car, train, bus, and taxi Transportation
Madagascar art African Statues People Animals