Chesapeake Bay Research BY: Elijah Johnson
Why is it important to have a variety of living things in the bay? The Blue crabs are a important food species. The Striped bass are a important food species too. The widgeon grass helps the bay by keeping it clean. My research will show that these species are important to the bay.
Blue crab Blue crabs eat shrimp, fish, dead fish plants, and younger blue crabs. The other animals that eat blue crabs are Eel, Drum, and more. The blue crabs legs are jointed to its body. The blue crabs live in the bay grass beds.
The striped bass The striped bass is the largest member of the sea bass family. In 1985hte sea bass was named the state fish. Has a really dark top to blend with the dark water. Has a light bottom that blends with the top top of the water. It was named striped bass because of its seven to eight stripes. The striped bass travels in schools of 21.
The widgeon grass Widgeon grass has special holes in its stem and leaves which help it float. Widgeon grass Helps keep the water clear and provides oxygen for the other animals in the bay. When widgeon grass is together it prevents waves that stop erosion. Widgeon grass also helps larvae from getting destroyed by waves. Widgeon grass is important for the bay food chain.
Conclusion In conclusion I learned the bay needs crabs for the important food chain. The bay also needs stripped bass for the important food chain too. The bay needs Widgeon grass to keep it clean.
Bibliography Bay quest Bay Bay tripper Widgeon grass picture Blue crab picture Striped ball picture