Improved measurements of the b quark mass at LEP María José Costa (IFIC-València) ICHEP 2002 Amsterdam Motivations to measure m b at M Z. Observables sensitive to m b at M Z. Experimental strategy. Systematic uncertainties. Results (DELPHI and OPAL). Conclusions.
27 July 2002M.J. Costa2 Motivations to measure m b at M Z Direct and independent measurement of the b mass at high energy. In the case of m b ( ), test of the evolution with the scale. m b (M Z ) is a basic input parameter to test m b -m unification predicted by GUT models at M GUT ~10 16 GeV.
27 July 2002M.J. Costa3 Observables sensitive to m b at M Z DELPHI: n = 3, 4 jets Durham, Cambridge. OPAL: n = 3 jets Jade, E0,P, P0, E,Geneva,Durham. Due to the mass effect, massive quarks radiate less gluons than light quarks. m b (M Z ) s universality For inclusive observables, b mass effects are negligible at LEP (m b 2 /m Z 2 0.3%). For jet rates: y c (m b 2 /m Z 2 )/y c sizeable effects. The observable used: e+e+ e-e- q q NLO for n = 3 jets LO for n = 4 jets
27 July 2002M.J. Costa4 Experimental Strategy Data Hadronic selection Jet reconstuction Tagging Detector simulation DELPHI TAGGING Pythia Herwig Hadronization
27 July 2002M.J. Costa5 Systematic uncertainties Detector resolution. Tagging ( b, R b, n ch B-decays, b,, c ). gluon splitting rates. Detector and physics modelling: Hadronization: Tuning of the fragmentation parameters. Model (string or cluster). b fragmentation function. b mass parameter in the generator. ycyc DELPHI
27 July 2002M.J. Costa6 DELPHI results Durham: Cambridge:
27 July 2002M.J. Costa7 Modelling of the generators First look into 4 jets Data lies between the LO predictions for M b = GeV. DELPHI
27 July 2002M.J. Costa8 OPAL results The 7 results of m b (M Z ) were combined:
27 July 2002M.J. Costa9 Conclusions All measurements of m b (M Z ) are compatible. The shift m b (M /2) -m b (M Z ) has been observed with almost 4 in agreement with the QCD prediction. b mass effects have been measured with 4 jet events! NLO calculations are welcome! The values obtained for M b ( 4.2 GeV) are lower than the ones obtained at low energy. A better understanding of the mass entering in the MC could lead to a precision on m b (M Z ) of about MeV.