MARKETING CAMPAIGN Company name and campaign name
Business Objectives This is the primary business objective driving the need for a campaign Also, you could include other business factors/challenges contributing to the need for the campaign
Goals of the Campaign What difference do you want the campaign to make? Increase quarterly sales revenue 5% Increase market share 10% Increase average price 5% Use SMART goals to describe the campaign goals
Communications Planning – Six Ms Model © 2016 Kathryn Gorges 4 1. Market – to whom? 2. Mission – objective? 3. Message – specific points? 1. Media – vehicles to use? 2. Money – spend? 3. Measurement – assessment? Strategy Implementation
Campaign Game Plan What will the campaign look like? What images? How will it be executed? This is the creative, fun, story part of the presentation – get us engaged in how this campaign will feel – SELL IT TO US
Metrics Success measurement – the primary measure Interim metrics – how will you know you’re on track? Your public goal Your team’s goal