Joint working - Effective housing collaboration with Health, Social Care, Welfare and the third sectors– Morning Session Actions and PurposeTimescale 1. Joint Training Tools - to promote shared understanding between health, social care and housing professions December Develop a National narrative about housing for communicating with the partnerships at strategic level Easter Collate evidence and share evidence of value of preventative approaches – social and financial outcomes June 2015 (in time for CSR) 4. Introduce Health Impact Assessments in the planning system April 2016Local Authorities
Joint working - Effective housing collaboration with Health, Social Care, Welfare and the third sectors – Afternoon Session Action and Purpose (Specific) Outputs ( Measurable) Leadership ( Assignable) Resources (Realistic ) Timeline (Time related) 3 – Persuade Integrated Authorities to reprioritise funding from acute to preventative care Reduce pressure on health providers (bed blocking). Levels of spending on specific services SG Analysts and economists. (Health & Housing) – produce persuasive document Either in house (SG) or external research commissioned Sept 15 in time for influencing 2016/17 budgets
Joint working - Effective housing collaboration with Health, Social Care, Welfare and the third sectors – Afternoon Session Action and Purpose (Specific) Outputs ( Measurable) Leadership ( Assignable) Resources (Realistic ) Timeline (Time related) 2. Develop a National narrative about housing for communicating with the partnerships at strategic level - Establish reference group - Framework for narrative established – aims, audience etc. - Produce narrative. Refine with partners. - Hold Launch event. - Local conversations follow JIT to oversee production. Joint ownership SG, COSLA and HAs Health Sector responsible for launch event Use of existing resources at opportunity cost Jan 2015 Apr 2015 May 2015 June 2015 onwards