Introduction Dibang Multipurpose Project is a hydropower cum flood moderation scheme proposed on Dibang River in Lower Dibang Valley District of Arunachal Pradesh. The Dam site is located about 1.5 km upstream of the confluence of Ashu Pani and Dibang rivers and about 43 km from Roing, District Headquarter. The project would moderate flood in the areas downstream of the Dibang Dam during the entire monsoon period to the extent of 3000 cumecs.
SPECIFICATIONS 288 m high, Concrete gravity Dam. DAM 1 6 nos., 9 m dia. each, 300 m to 600 m long, horseshoe shaped Head Race tunnels. DAM 2 6 nos., 7.5m dia, 184.8m long Circular shaped each bifurcating into 5.2m dia, 57 m long Penstocks.
Constructional area
PREVENTIVE MEASURES Hydroelectric Power Stations located in Himalayan region in general and run-of-the river schemes located in the Northern states of India in particular suffer from silt erosion underwater parts. Particularly in Monsoon Season when 98% of the silt particles of size 0.20 mm and contain smaller quartz with hardness of 7-8 on Moh's scale pass through turbine parts. It is not cost-effective to construct de-silting arrangement to remove this size of silt particles from flowing water. The operation and maintenance of these power stations is indeed a tremendous task and calls for high degree of dedication and motivation on the part of maintenance staff in grappling with the silt related problems.
Missions To achieve international standards of excellence in all aspects of hydro power and diversified (different) business. To execute and operate projects in a cost effective, environment friendly and socio-economically responsive manner. To adopt the best practices of corporate governance and value based management for a strong corporate identity. To maximize creation of wealth through generation of internal funds and effective management of resources.
Alternative sources To promote environmental friendly use of Solar Energy, Solar heating and Solar lighting equipment, are being considered for remote locations where grid power has limitations or either not available or fulfill through DG sets. (diesel generator set ) Efforts are being made to identify the suitable locations for use of Solar Power at other projects of NHPC.
Advantages of Hydro Power Non-polluting and hence environment friendly. Long life - The first hydro project completed in 1897 is still in operation at Darjeeling is still in operation. Cost of generation, operation and maintenance is lower than the other sources of energy Has higher efficiency (over 90%) compared to thermal (35%) and gas (around 50%). Storage based hydro schemes often provide attendant benefits of irrigation, flood control, drinking water supply, navigation, recreation, pisciculture etc. Being located in remote regions leads to development of interior backward areas (education, medical, road communication, telecommunication etc.)