G053: Lecture 16a Task D Evidence Mr C Johnston ICT Teacher
Starter Explain the meaning of these tags: Hello World
Session Objectives Review HTML Code, Understand the evidence needed for task d of the assignment
Task D Task D requires you to show knowledge of HTML by explaining, editing and adding tags, Mark Band 1 (0-2) You demonstrate knowledge of HTML by explaining three different script commands; Mark Band 2 (3-4) You demonstrates an understanding of HTML script commands by explaining three different script commands, editing HTML script commands to change page layout and adding HTML script commands for at least one additional component from graphic, table or hyperlink components; Mark Band 3 (5-6) The candidate demonstrates understanding of HTML script commands by explaining three different script commands, editing HTML script commands to change page layout and adding HTML script commands for a comprehensive range of additional components.
Evidence Checklist Annotate a page of code from your website explaining a least 5 different script tags, Produce notes showing that you have changed some of the code generated in Dreamweaver – before and after screen shots are needed, Produce notes showing that you have added a range of different tags – before and after screen shots are needed, Include: tables, forms, images, hyperlinks, Remember you need both EDITs and ADDs EDIT = change the properties of tags in code view which Dreamweaver has inserted Add = insert tags in code view from scratch yourself
Suggestions…… Code EDITs Change href property of tag e.g. to Add the target property to the tag e.g. target=“_blank” Change src property of tag e.g. to Add the border property to the tag e.g. border=“0” Edit alt property of tag Add align property to the tag e.g. align=“centre” Change properties of the tag e.g. face=“” size=“” etc Change properties of the tag e.g. width=“” height=“” class=“” border=“” etc Change properties of the tag e.g. width=“” height=“” class=“” bgcolor=“” etc Change properties of the / tags e.g. type=“” Change properties of the tag e.g. method=“” action=“” Change properties of the tag e.g. type=“” Change properties of the tag e.g. rows=“” cols=“” Change tag for drop down lists e.g.
Example Layout