Minerals Using Mineral Resources
The Uses of Minerals O Minerals are the source o gemstones, metals, and a variety of materials used to make many products. O Gemstones O Metals O Other Useful Minerals
Gemstones O Gemstones are hard, colorful minerals that have brilliant or glassy luster. O Gemstones are cut and polished into gems which are used for fine jewelry and decorations. O Gemstones are also used for mechanical parts and for grinding and polishing.
Metals O Some minerals are the sources of metals like aluminum, iron, copper, silver, and gold. These metals are used to make jewelry and machinery. It is also used to make many household projects.
Other Useful Minerals O Many minerals are used in foods, medicines, fertilizers, and building materials. O Talc is used to make baby powder. O Quartz is used to make glass. O Calcite are used in optical instruments like microscopes and telescopes.
Producing Metals from Minerals O Rocks are mined from the ground. O Metal is extracted from the rock. O We call this type of rock that contains metal ore. O Ore usually is a combination of many different minerals.
Prospecting O A prospector searches for ore deposits. O They study the land surface to help identify what ore could be found underground. O Sometimes prospectors measure the magnetic fields in the area to locate minerals like iron and nickel.
Mining O There are three types of mines. O Strip O Equipment scrapes away ground to expose ore. O Open Pit O Pits are dug to reveal ore deposits. O Shaft O A network of shafts and tunnels are dug to veins where the ore can be mined.
Smelting O Once the ore is removed, the metal needs to be separated from the rock. O The rock is melted to separate the minerals in it. The minerals melt at different temperatures. The minerals that melt at lower temperatures come off the rock first and are collected. The rest come off at there melting points and are collected as well.
Further Processing O Metals removed during smelting are combined with other elements to create alloys. O Alloys are usually stronger and more stable than the pure metal itself.