Birmingham, Michigan
Sound familiar? The names of the city's founders are seen throughout Birmingham in places such as Pierce Elementary School, Hunter House Hamburgers (which was located on the road formerly known as Hunter Boulevard, which bypassed downtown to the east and was renamed Woodward, with the original Woodward Avenue section renamed Old Woodward), The Hamilton Hotel, The Willets Building and Merrill St. Hall & Hunter Realtors named themselves in tribute to the builder and occupier of Birmingham's first home.
The Hunter House
John West Hunter Historical Park
The Allen House
Historical Photos hotoGallery/TeacherResource/index.html hotoGallery/TeacherResource/index.html
Walking Tour “Must-Sees” Click on brochure to open!
Baldwin Library
Martha Baldwin
Marshall Fredericks Marshall Fredericks resided in Birmingham, Michigan with his wife Rosalind Cooke until his death on April 4th, 19988; they had five children and eight grandchildren. He also held studios at 4113 North Woodward Avenue in Royal Oak and on East Long Lake Road in Bloomfield Hills, Michigan until After his death the contents of his studios were gifted to the Marshall M. Fredericks Sculpture Museum on the campus of Saginaw Valley State University. (
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