Freedom Summer The Summer Of 1964
Civil Rights Act passed in April, 1964 Result of acts of ‘civil disobedience’ and shocking violent reaction to non-violent protests against segregation National outrage at how Birmingham in particular handled protests Kennedy assassination in November 1963 stuns nation Background
1964- southern states prevented many African Americans from voting. The NAACP( National Association for the Advancement of Colored People ) & college students from the north help register African Americans in south to vote. Background
Obstacles include: Literacty tests Poll tax Registration Obstacles Background
Does the population of the state affect the amount of 'individual or corporate income taxes which may be levied on its citizens? If a bill is passed by Congress and the President refuses to sign it and does not send it back to Congress in session within the specified period of time, is the bill defeated or does it become a law, and if so, how? Literacy test Sample Background
People forced to pay a Poll tax White people pay approximately one dollar, African-Americans -about five dollars. Poll Taxes Background
African American and white volunteers went south Many white Southerners resent Local police the greet these “invaders”. Volunteers EVENT
Three CORE workers, Andrew Goodman, Mickey Schwerner,and James Chaney missing June 1964 Danger in Mississippi EVENT
Killed by members of the Ku Klux Klan Brought to national attention the problems in the South Danger in Mississippi cont.
Congress passed the Voting Rights Act President Johnson said African- Americans not being able to was “deadly wrong.” Once passed, African American’s right to vote was protected by the Federal Government. Passing the Voting Rights Act aftermath
African Americans and minorities gained a voice Despite passage, still challenges to vote Many states pushing for stricter voter ID requirements Long Term Impact
Many died for the right to vote Should never be taken for granted Personal Understanding
ms/1964/player/ eedomsummer.html eedomsummer.html l Sources
Chen,Yong American History Globe Fearon Pearson Education,Inc.,2003. Print. Sources cont.