DEA Workshop Summary. DEA Project DEA is a research project of the EC COOPENER Programme. It started in 1 May 2005, duration 30 months. It is implemented.


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Presentation transcript:

DEA Workshop Summary

DEA Project DEA is a research project of the EC COOPENER Programme. It started in 1 May 2005, duration 30 months. It is implemented by Risø National laboratory, Denmark (coordinator) and Energy Centre of the Netherlands (ECN). It operates in 6 African Centres -TaTEDO,Tanzania CEEEZ, Zambia -EECG, Botswana, -KITE, Ghana -ENDA, Senegal -MFC, Mali

Immediate Objectives to establish and apply an Assessment Framework for evaluating development and poverty impacts of energy interventions to engage in a dialogue with energy policy makers and other stakeholders on the basis of the framework, with a view to incorporating these issues in energy policy

Energy and MDGs There are no MDGs for energy. Energy facilitates MDGs. They contribute to the MDGs. Development Impacts of energy projects Assessment Framework is looking at data, element of success and indicators. Assess relevancy of information from projects to the policy. DEA can contribute, directly or indirectly, to all the initiatives.

DELIBERATIONS Need for multi-sectoral cooperation is vital for increasing energy access in rural areas, Assessment framework for energy impacts in development is needed to improve energy integration in sectoral project planning and in processes of soliciting funds from development partners The participating Stakeholders were interested in following and contributing to the development of the AF, to ensure relevance for Tanzania, through the project partner TaTEDO, and welcome an intermediate meeting for updating on progress Energy requires organising other relevant inputs in order for it to bring development There is need to cite out areas of complementarity between DEA and GVEP to avoid overlapping but forge complementarity Need for participatory approaches with rural communities to find out energy needs, plan and develop energy initiatives is vital

Deliberation…. Need to create awareness and capacity building to planners in various sectors is crucial in order to get energy budget integrated from planning to implementation MEM need to establish modern energy demand from all sectors and develop a strategy to deliberately address the existing aggregate energy demand