World War II
Bell work On your sheet of paper, answer the following question: ◦ Is it ever ok to give total control of a country to just one person? ◦ Why or why not?
Problems in Europe Countries in Europe still suffering from Great Depression ◦ High unemployment, low income Italy upset that they had not gained land after WWI even though they had supported the Allies.
Totalitarianism Government controls all aspects of society
Italy – Benito Mussolini 1922 – Mussolini takes control of the Italian government Wanted to re-establish the Roman Empire Fascism – one person should control the entire government TOTALITARIAN
Germany – Adolf Hitler Treaty of Versailles forced Germany to pay war debts and reduce size of their military Mein Kampf – Hitler’s book that blamed Jews and other minorities for Germany’s problems Formed the Nazi Party, which promised to help get Germany out of the Depression. TOTALITARIAN
Soviet Union – Josef Stalin Communism – economic system where the government has total control of the economy and there is public ownership of property Hitler invaded Poland from the west, Stalin invaded from the East. Hitler & Stalin sign a non-aggression pact, splitting Poland in half and agreeing not to attack each other’s countries TOTALITARIAN
Japan – Emperor Hirohito Japanese military grew strong during the Great Depression Code of bushido – samurai code of honor Invaded Manchuria and China for land and resources Hoped to unite all of Asia under Japanese rule
U.S. Involvement Most of Europe followed a policy of appeasement (refused to challenge Hitler and Mussolini) Neutrality Acts – passed to keep the US out of the fighting. Lend-Lease Act – transferred goods and services to Britain and France to aid allies in a common cause
December 7, 1941 “A date which will live in infamy”
USS Arizona
Axis PowersAllied Powers Germany Japan Italy Great Britain Russia U.S.A.