Ch. 7 Deviance & Social Control
DevianceDeviance – Behavior that departs from societal & group norms Ex. – criminals, wearing too much makeup, dancing, Tyson vs. Holyfield Negative deviance – behavior that fails to meet accepted norms –Typical idea of what deviance is Positive Deviance – over conformity to norms –Ex. – anorexia
The Sociologists’ deviant The Sociologists’ deviant – a person that has violated one or more of society’s most highly valued norms
Social Control – a way to encourage conformity to society’s norms Ex. – traffic laws, business attire Internal – doing something b/c you know it Is right External – social sanctions – rewards or punishments that encourage conformity
Costs & Benefits of Deviance – Negative effects – erodes trust, which can lead to non-conformity Positive effects – –Clarifies norms –Safety Valve –Promotes social change
Strain Theory Strain Theory – Anomie – social condition where norms are weak, conflicting, or absent Strain Theory – deviance is more likely to occur when a gap exists b/w cultural goals & the ability to achieve their goals by legitimate means Responses –Innovation – an individual accepts goals but uses illegal means to achieve them Thief –Ritualism – rejects the goal but continues using legitimate means Unmotivated teacher –Retreatism – legitimate means and approval goals rejected Homeless alcoholic –Rebellion – legitimate means and goals rejected, but are replaced by new goals and means Militia group member, cult
Control Theory - theory that compliance with social norms requires strong bonds b/w individuals and society Social bonds – –Attachment – the stronger your attachment to groups or individuals, the more likely you are to conform –Commitment –Involvement –Belief –When social bonds are weak, the chances for deviance increase
Symbolic Interactionism and Deviance Differential Association Theory – theory that individuals learn deviance in proportion to number of deviant acts they are exposed to 3 characteristics of differential association –The ratio of deviant to non-deviant individuals –Whether the deviant behavior is practiced by significant others –The age of exposure
Labeling Theory – theory that society creates deviance by identifying particular members as deviant Sometimes of two people breaking the norm only one may be labeled a deviant –Teenage pregnant mom vs. the father Primary deviance – a person engages only in isolated acts of deviance –Ex. – college students answering that have broken one or more norms, but have never been arrested Secondary deviance – deviance in which an individual’s life and identity are organized around breaking society’s norms –Deviance is a lifestyle and a personal identity Consequences of labeling –Stigma – an undesirable trait or label that is used to characterize an individual –Labeling people as deviants can cause them pain and suffering, as well as determine the direction of their lives Ex. – thief, cheater