What is social influence? Efforts by one or more individuals to change the attitudes, beliefs, perceptions, or behaviors of one or more others.
Power and influence Power is the capacity to influence others while resisting their attempts to influence. Sources of power: 1.Reward power. 2.Coercive power. 3.Informational power. 4.Expert power. 5.Legitimate power. 6.Referent power.
Sources of power Reward powerThe ability to give or promise rewards for compliance. Coercive powerThe ability to give or threaten punishment for non-compliance. Informational power The target’s belief that the influencer has more information than oneself. Expert powerThe target’s belief that the influencer has generally greater expertise and knowledge than oneself. Legitimate power The target’s belief that the influencer is authorized by a recognized power structure to command and make decisions. Referent powerIdentification with, attraction to or respect for the source of influence.
Types of social influence: Conformity Compliance Obedience
Conformity – group influence Conformity is a type of social influence in which individuals change their attitudes or behavior in order to adhere to existing social norms. Pressure to conform stems from social norms – both explicit and implicit norms. Most people show strong tendencies toward conformity. Research on conformity by Solomon Asch.
Factors affecting conformity Cohesiveness. Group size. Descriptive and injunctive social norms.
Bases of conformity Why do people conform? – The desire to be liked and fear of rejection (Normative social influence) – The desire to be right (informational social influence) Why people do not conform?
Compliance A form of social influence involving direct requests from one person to another. Principles of gaining compliance: – Friendship/liking – Commitment/consistency – Scarcity – Reciprocity – Social validation – Authority
Obedience A form of social influence in which one person simply orders one or more others to perform some actions. Obedience to authority. Factors influencing obedience. Destructive obedience – intense indoctrination.